Final Fantasy - General

Final Fantasy is one of the greatest series of console RPGs ever.
It set the standard with Final Fantasy I back on the NES.
It followed up with Final Fantasy II and III, both of which were never released in America, both for the NES.
The revolution came in Final Fantasy IV (released as FF2 in America) for the SNES.
Final Fantasy V was a bit before it's time, so this SNES game never came to America.
Final Fantasy VI (USA - FF3) is sometimes considered the greatest Final Fantasy, although it was limited by the SNES.
Final Fantasy VII is generally considered the best of the series, towering over the competition in graphics, sounds, story, and gameplay. The first on the PlayStation makes full use of it's capabilities.

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is an Action-RPG for the SNES.
Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the best in the series, although it is not really part of the series. It is different from any other FF game, but the FF team made it, so it's titled Final Fantasy It's Job/Ability system, taken from FF5, is quite a step, and it is pulled off well. It is for the Playstation. 

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